Your ranking at the end of the game is determined by how much total EXP you accumulated. Three different items are added to the shop lists in Replay Mode depending on your final ranking in the previous game. The best ranking cannot be achieved in your first game, because the necessary EXP just isn't available. Ironically, though, some of the very best items to be added to the shops can be obtained only with the lowest amount of EXP. You actually have to try very hard to get little enough EXP to obtain the lowest ranking, and that includes running away from lots of battles. However, if you complete the game with the same ranking twice in a row, you will be awarded the next ranking up, which means that an S rank twice in a row will give you an L rank. There is nothing higher than S, so it will cycle back to the lowest rank again. This is a possibility for those of you who want the Monk Robe and can't seem to end the game with little enough experience.