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Chapter 20: New Resolve

Objective Boss Units allowed Units gained
Defeat Oleg Oleg 10 Ninian(automatic)
Items droped by emeny Items that you can steal from enemy Chest/Village
Antitoxin, Shine Antitoxin, Hero Crest(Oleg) Elysian Whip, Restore, Wyrmslayer, Light Rune
Initial Enemy Reinforcements
8 Monk, 3 Brigand, 2 Archer, 2 Wyvern Rider, 2 Cavalier 2 Monk, 2 Wyvern Rider, 2 Nomad, 2 Cavalier, 2 Knight, 1 Brigand

ArmoryArmory VendorVendor
Iron Sword460 GSteel Sword600 G Heal600 GVulnerary300 G
Iron Lance360 GSteel Lance480 G Mend1000 GDoor Key50 G
Javelin400 GSteel Axe360 G Fire560 GPure Water900 G
Iron Axe270 GSteel Bow720 G Thunder700 GAntitoxin450 G
Hand Axe300 G   Lightning630 G  
Iron Bow540 G   Flux900 G  

Not very hard, first send some units to check any hidden enemy units at the back of the village, and get all the items from houses, then push your army to the front of the village where the boss is. Becareful when you approch him, first use a torch to see where he is, then attack.

Boss Strategy:
First, move a unit with a torch to the lower right corner of the map, then let your thief steal the hero crest. Since he has low resistance, use your magic users to attack.

1 Brigand(upper left corner) after enemy's 3rd turn
2 Monk(left edge) after enemy's 4th turn
2 Wyvern Rider(upper left and lower left corner) after enemy's 5th turn
1 Nomad(upper left corner), 1 Cavalier(lower left corner) after enemy's 6th turn
2 Knight(left edge) after enemy's 9th turn
1 Nomad(upper left corner), 1 Cavalier(lower left corner) after enemy's 11th turn

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