Desert Tower
This tower is found in the desert near Talga on the Elm Continent. To reach the northern area of the first floor, you must walk around the outside of the tower to the left.
Things of Interest
1. Death Sword |
2. MetSlime |
3. Ares Bow |
4. Message/Staircase |
5. Puzzle |
6. MetSlime |
7. Deadly Armor |
8. MetSlime |
9. MetSlime |
10. Deadly Helmet |
11. MetSlime |
12. Wither Armor |
13. Door (Must have solved the puzzle to pass) |
14. Play PallosFl here to fight Griffin |
Enemies in Tower
Stalker, ChaosMg, Efreet, Hellmist, Slasher, MetSlime, Griffin (boss)
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